Northwestern Illinois

Area Agency on Aging


Caregiver Services



Caring for an older adult can be rewarding but also challenging. Caregiver support services are available to assist family caregivers Click here for your provider sites


Services available to caregivers include:  


Caregiver Training and Education

Workshops and training opportunities are available for caregivers who need to learn new skills to care for a family member.


Emergency Services
Emergency help is available to pay for items caregivers need to provide better care to their loved ones, such as medical needs, bath benches, home medical equipment and supplies, minor home renovation and repairs, transportation, and other needs.


Respite Care
Funds are available to help pay for respite care to give eligible caregivers a brief period of relief or rest. Homemaker, adult day care or temporary nursing home placement is available on a short-term basis for older adults with physical or mental impairment.

Support Group

Caregiver support groups are available to help caregivers cope, learn from their peers and obtain support. If you are interested in any of the services and want additional information, please contact our office.

Other caregiver websites include: