Northwestern Illinois Area Agency on Aging (NIAAA)

Northwestern Illinois

Area Agency on Aging


Elder Abuse Prevention

Thousands of older persons suffer from abuse and neglect, as well as financial exploitation, usually at the hands of caregivers and hidden from the eyes of the community. Victims are very often helpless to protect themselves, and only a small percentage of cases are ever reported.

In Illinois last year, more than 7,000 older adults experienced abuse. Three-fourths of the victims of elder abuse in Illinois are women with an average age of 79.

Any person over 60 can be victim of elder abuse. Those most at risk are physically or mentally impaired older adults dependent on another person for care and assistance.

Types of Elder Abuse
Elder abuse includes:
- Physical abuse - rough handling, slapping, hitting.
- Emotional abuse - insults, threats, calling names.
- Sexual abuse - forced sexual intimacy.
- Financial exploitation - forced signing    over of property or money (ex. Social Security checks, pension checks, bank accounts).
- Neglect - withholding food, medical care, basic  necessities of life, social contact; forceful confinement or restraint.