NIAAA is committed to helping seniors, adults with disabilities, and their families access the benefits they are entitled to, ensuring they maintain their independence and quality of life. Navigating the wide array of programs and services can be overwhelming, but NIAAA provides guidance and support to connect seniors with the resources they need.

NIAAA offers a comprehensive Senior Benefits Guide that outlines all the available programs for seniors in Northwestern Illinois, providing detailed information on how to apply and what to expect. For more information or assistance with benefits, contact NIAAA at 815-226-4901 or email

Senior Benefits Guide EnglishEspañol

Popular Benefits

Car Registration Benefit

The Benefits Access Application (or BAA) (formerly known as Circuit Breaker) provides a vehicle registration sticker discount for qualifying individuals. To be eligible, individuals must:

  • Be 65 years or older, or receiving Social Security disability benefits

  • Be a resident of Illinois

  • Meet income criteria

Applications are available online through the Illinois Department on Aging’s Benefits Access Program. Benefits Access ProgramNIAAA can also assist with the application process.

Homestead Exemption for Persons with Disabilities

This property tax exemption is available for disabled Illinois residents who own and occupy their homes. To qualify, individuals must provide proof of total disability, such as a physician's statement, a Social Security Award letter, or an Illinois Persons with Disability ID card. This exemption reduces the home’s Equalized Assessed Value (EAV) by $2,000. Annual renewals are sent to properties already receiving this exemption.

Standard Homestead Exemption for Veterans with Disabilities

Veterans with disabilities resulting from armed service are eligible for a property tax exemption. The level of exemption depends on the veteran's disability percentage:

  • 30% to 49% disability: $2,500 EAV reduction

  • 50% to 69% disability: $5,000 EAV reduction

  • 70% to 100% disability: full property tax exemption This benefit can also be granted to unremarried surviving spouses of qualifying veterans. Proof of disability and service, such as an award letter from the VA and DD 214 form, is required with the initial application.


Property Tax Deferral Program

Seniors aged 65 and older with a household income of $65,000 or less can defer property tax payments through the Property Tax Deferral Program. Deferred taxes are paid when the home is sold or the taxpayer dies. Applications must be submitted before March 1st of each year. Contact your local County Treasurer’s office for further details.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Seniors struggling to afford groceries can apply for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which provides financial assistance to help cover food costs. Eligibility criteria are based on income and household size, and NIAAA can provide assistance with the application process.

Prescription Drug Assistance

Various prescription drug programs, including Medicare Part D and the Illinois Rx program, help seniors reduce the cost of medications. Assistance is available to compare plans and understand the coverage options that best meet individual needs.

Medicare Part DIllinois Rx program

Energy Assistance

Through programs such as the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), seniors can receive financial assistance to help pay their utility bills, ensuring they stay warm in winter and cool in summer.